Monday, August 20, 2007

Stolen Study Moment Update

I am taking a short break from my work before I start working on my Legal Writing assignment. I have been working since 5:30 with only short breaks to get more water, heat up dinner, etc. It is 9:45 now and I am almost done. Luckily I worked a lot on Contracts this weekend or I would still have more of that to read.

Class today was interesting and exciting. I felt comfortable participating in the discussions, but not sure how I should be taking notes so that they will be useful later. I was surprised at first that taking notes on my laptop was so natural and comfortable. Then I realized how terrible my handwriting is and how much better I am at typing.

I was too awake to fall asleep when I should have gone to bed last night, so I ended up getting to bed later than I wanted. Falling asleep will not be a problem tonight. I am determined not to sacrifice my morning workouts to sleep. If I am too tired, I will just have to figure out a way to get my work done earlier.

I have a couple of hour-long blocks of time during the day tomorrow. I think I will sacrifice this time to getting some more Contracts reading done so that I can continue to stay on top of that without adding it to my nightly reading. We'll see how that works out.

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