Sunday, August 12, 2007

Antici . . . pation

Sorry about the goofy Rocky Horror reference.

Orientation week starts tomorrow. I am crazed with anticipation. I keep checking the online course announcement program, Blackboard, to see if any more of my classes have posted announcements or initial assignments. I keep rethinking the Jones-Clinton-Ferguson brief, but not actually settling down to work on it again. I have had the Lawyer Education And Development (LEAD) packet on Where Do you Draw the Line: Ethics and Professionalism Hypotheticals sitting in front of me for the last 30 min. It is full of these little moral and ethical quandaries the we are supposed to contemplate for discussion at the ethics panel tomorrow. I just can't bring myself to read the little morality lessons again.

Real class work doesn't start until next week. Well, except for our Legal Research and Writing class which starts on Thursday.

I have my daytime outfit (business casual is suggested) picked out for tomorrow's daytime events. I have tried on my suit and found the right shirt for the Student & Faculty Reception tomorrow night at the Nasher Museum of Art.

Yesterday we (Brandon) installed a new door in the bedroom so that we could put in a dog door. Now I won't feel worried and guilty about leaving them at home all day.

A few minutes ago Brandon suggested that we go see a movie this afternoon. I think it is an excellent idea. I'm sure I'll be a nut this evening.

Let the games begin.

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