Brandon reminded me yesterday that we did this when we first moved into our Memphis house; we bought a lot of things in a short period of time. It made me nervous then, but it all turned out just fine.
Some of the things that we are buying are just mundane, like
bathmats. On Sunday, I took Brandon to Rose's Discount Superstore to look for a bathmat. Actually, it is just called Rose's Discount Store. I feel compelled to call it a superstore because it is just so spectacularly overwhelming.

You can buy just about anything at Rose's as long as you aren't too concerned about quality or dustiness. It is like a cross between Big Lots and Family Dollar dropped down a notch and double-sized. On this particular trip, we found a bathmat in the perfect shade of blue to match the towels.
Today we take a break from all of the buying, take the dogs to meet their new vet, and put together a closet.